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Writer's pictureDiane Mesnier


Have you ever heard of the word Kraamzorg? Neither did I until I moved to the Netherlands.

Every pregnant woman in the Netherlands has the right to postnatal maternity care and Kraamzorg is the term given to the medical service provided by a kraamverzorgende (maternity nurse) to the new mother and her baby over a period of eight days following delivery.

Delphine Petit is one of the very few French speaking Kraamzorg in the Netherlands and her services are recommended by one the best midwife’s office in Amsterdam: Femme-Amsterdam. In addition to the care and the medical controls she brings to the mother and the child, Delphine mentally supports the parents and helps them deal with eventual stress and concerns. Having this kind of physical and mental support after giving birth plays an essential role in this time of change and finding a Kraamzorg that you have a good connection with can make a big difference during this first week.

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Delphine. The main reason why she asked me to speak about my work on her website, is because she knows that I am extremely interested in everything that has to do with pregnancy, motherhood and mental health. That includes, pregnancy loss, pre and post natal depression, body image distortion etc. As a psychologist, I offer women a safe space where they can deal with their feelings, mourn if it's needed, reconnect with their body and heal.

You can find my interview on Delphine’s website:

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